Cancer Center Fliers

Created a series of patient facing fliers that were designed to print on a desktop printer for display in patient waiting areas. Provided templates to this department so they could create future fliers on their own. The goal is to keep these as consistent as possible despite the change in content. Many of these will be displayed side by side.

Cancer Center Brochures

Created a number of patient-facing brochures for the Cancer Center. Goal was to create centralized information, instead of having multiple booklets for the different hospitals. Some brochures would print commercially, and others were intended to be accessed by clinical staff and printed on a desktop printer. I was sure to make them consistent throughout this department. Created simple illustrations as needed.

Autopsy Tissue Donation Trifold

Trifold brochure to educate patients and their families about this personal and sensitive program in place for autopsy tissue donation, which helps further the study of cancer.